I want to become an Early Riser

I want to become an Early Riser

Sugestian banget deh aku ni orangnyah..
Jadi ceritanya udh 1 minggu ini buku andalanku,,The Secret..
Ketinggalan di rumah temen..dan semenjak aku baca The Secret itu aku ngerasa bgt deh kehidupan aku berubaah bgt..aku ngga pernah bangun kesiangan..di kantor selalu happy..
Di bus selalu dapet tempat duduk..tyap pagi pun selalu dapet the first train I saw..
Well I can say since I read that book my day always run so smooth..

Eh pas buku aku ketinggalan itu yah..udh 1 minggu ini aku bangun kesiangan terus..
Hari ini ajah smpe ngga mandi langsung cabut ke kantor saking kesiangannyaa,,
Kalo udh kesiangan bangun trs ngga bangun bawaannya udh betee bgt deh di kantor..
Udh ngerasa dekil bgt ajaah..(si cubiclemate hari ini lucu bgt lagih pake polo item!aah sebeel)
1 minggu telat berasa bgt deh hari”tuh ngga sehappy byasanya..di kantor abis lunch pasti bawaannya ngatuuk melulu.. :’(
masa Cuma gara”ngga ada buku itu sii..sugesti doank kaan pastiii?

Gara”itu tadi aku nanya Mr Google jg deh akhirnya..gimana c byar bs bangun pagi tyap hari..even ketika my great book”nya sebagai berikut:

1.  Have a reason to get up
     well my reason will be,,soalnyaa kalo bangun pagi trus keramas,,sempet ngeblow rambut..sempet dandan,,sempet pilih”baju (this one really time consuming) naah kalo semuanya itu SEMPET seharian  ngerasa cantiiik..jadi seneeng terus..hehehe..owkay that’s my greatest reason!:D

2.  Ignore your first reaction.
   This one I think is so true..since alasan kenapa telat bgn even udh set up 3 alarms at night is because my first reaction when all of those alarms ring are always either “I need the rest” or “ooh It’s too early”..hehehe..jadinya telat terus deh bangunnya..
Yaudah deeh mau coba deh starting next week I will alert myself to ignore all my excuses to wake up early..

3.  Another 10 mins is a trap
Nah Mr.Google is also so damn true nih this time..hehehe since tyap kali udh kebangun pasti bilang..10 menit lagii deeh..(my ex roommate pasti tau bgt ni kalo bwt excuse yg kali ini)..hehehe udahannya yg ada bablaaas…

Those three tips siyh yg kayanya paling kena dari semua jawaban Mr.Google..
Next week no more little miss late deeh..
Harus bisa bangun pagiiiii!!

keep dreaming

It's office hour..and yes..I'm blogging!x)hehehe..seriously yaa my office gets emptier n emptier day by day..secara chinese new year is so coming soon,,jadi everybody's in my team ajah only left with me and one of my colleague..the others udh on leave semua gitu for almost 2 weeks..and the greatest part manager seems like forget to give me another task before he here I am today,,blogging..tapi yaah since (tetep)takut ketauan,,jadi I'm writing it inside my programming codes..jadi if someone pass my cubicle they will think I'm writing some code or something!xp(let me print screen my desktop to show it!)..

topic of the day apa yaah..errm pas tadi di MRT kan bengong"gitu yaah..jadi kepikiran..gila yaah manusia yg stratanya seperti saya,,pagi"udh harus banguun..mpet"an in the train,,trus ntar after work still need to packed ourself in the train..I was thinking,,last night I saw photos of some of my friends,,yg kehidupannya sepertinya super not all the photos they look so damn happy(that's what I see la)..

she has this all out-of-my-reach bag,,their dresses are so damn gorgeous,,they travel to europe,,kingdom's life if I can say..padahal they are about the same age like me..when here I am everyday need to do the same thing over n over again,,mpet"an in the train like a sardine,,take overtime at the office,,makan mix rice everyday,,bt still can't afford her regular item..then the thoughts come,,mereka pada dapet duit darimana yaah?they're not even working gitu..jadi last night I google their name,,and found out..they are anaknya si bos ini,,cucunya si itu,,dan lain lain..yah for conclusion they r born to be rich like richie rich..rasanya kaya apa yaah?:)

tyap mau beli hermes bag tinggal langsung comot,,sedangkan gw kemaren masuk ke Prada store gitu(ngecekin bwt temen),,langsung amazed gitu..koq ada yaah yg punya the same bag gini in many colors(that's what I saw in my friend's FS profile)..kayanya gw aja bwt beli 1 tas itu harus nabung 2 bulan gaji,,tapi harus puasa sebulan kalo mw beli..he3..

I guess i need to work harder to reach that level..since I'm not paris hilton,,I think the only way to have all that easiness in this world for people like me is either to work a bit harder or to marry 'anaknya si ini' atau 'cucunya si itu'..he3..however..i still feel so blessed with what all I have now :)I can feel gimana enaknya beli sesuatu with our own money yg didapetnya tu dari one super set(bangun pagi",,mpet"an in the train,,overtime at the office),,dan pas lyat barang yg udh dibeli tu rasanya gimanaa gituu..sampe mau meneteskan air mata(mulai lebay deh!xp)tapi beneran loh,,kayanya seneng bgt gitu..Tuhan emang adil yaah,,bwt orang"yg kaya gw ajah mskipun belom dikasih kesempatan untuk merasakan jadi richie rich,,tapi Tuhan boleh kasih perasaan yg berbeda :)

kalo kata rumetku dulu c,,msti bilang alhamdullilah terus cha..yes yes..I feel so blessed :)and I thanked God for all this huge blessings :)well travelling around the world?LV,,Prada,,Gucci,,Dior,,Hermes all of you wait for me!you are all in my dream-list :)and I won't just sit here day dreaming.. ayoo cha ttp berdoa,,semangat kerjaa!nabung!sekolah lagi..and hope all our dreams come true :)

Happy chinese new year everyone!!