:) :)
my 21st is not that bad..it's sweet and nice :D
i thought none of my colleagues know about my bday..
but then this lunch time,,surprisingly they brought me a cake ;D
i prayed last night to be surrounded by someone who love me,,and here they are the gift from God :)
my friends..thank you..i couldn't ask for more :)
many people said 21 is a very special age..
that's why if you go to hallmark or preciousthots u'll find a special deck only for
"Happy 21st Bday" cards..So is turning 21 is really a big deal?
FYI i'm officially 21 today..and what i can say is not my favorite bday..
my sweet17 is so much better..or my other birthday with my friends are so much much better..
but my 21st?oh u better don't ask..
last nite i went to the muvi with a friend of mine,,he's on a business trip in singapore for a week..
we watched sex n the city, one muvi that reminds us how important friends are in our life :) (which make me feel even worst abt my bday actually)..
after muvi we went to starbucks chit chat this and that until 11.30 then i decided to go home,,wanna be home on my bday..
but then it was raining and as usual most of the cabs in singapore don't want to go my house area..
i was waiting in the rain and like almost 12 i finally gt a cab..
i was crying like a baby last night..my worst bday,,no family,,no friends,,just me and the taxi driver..
what make me feel even worst one man who is my closest friend of mine now,,jz message me happy bday and said he's going to sleep..
i called my sister afterwards, make me feel better she said she's about to call me :)
and she wake my mams,,paps,,and brother up..they r like trying to cheer me up back there :)
love love love you guys to the max!!
i reached my place around 12+, i wipe my tears and in a hurry go up want to sleep and pretend like it's not my bday..and I'll be fine (doesn't really work that way)
but then surprisingly..in front of my door there he is!:) :)
with a cake and one big paper bag (i know my gift is inside ;D he3)..
a man that i really want to see on my birthday :) thank you.. i think i smiled damn big last night when i saw him :D
he was wearing my favorite shirt of his..a t-shirt with a word SUPER on it :) :)
I think he's the only one i like about my 21st bday :) my best gift for my 21st.
As a result of not so perfect bday, i was so lazy to wake up this morning..
i want to sleep the whole day so that 11th june can fastly change to 12th..
but then i have one application to port today,,and I can't just skip it bcoz of my bday..
i'm 21 now,,must be more responsible right?must act like a mature..
it was raining this morning (don't know why last nite it was raining and this morning also,,sigh is it really my bday?!)
I was rushing and taraaaaaaaa,,i slipped..yes i fell down with my heels for a thousand times..
I stand up,,clean my dress and smile :)
I'm not dreaming and I'm 21!well now I must face the cruel world..i'm not a little girl anymore..
so no more time to cry..i think SUPERCHACA is about to change now :D
so here i am at the office with no one knows it's my bday..
it's just the same day as yesterday .. trying to get used to it .. and now i feel better :)
turning 21 is not a big deal for SUPERCHACA..hehehe..
Happy 21st bday Superchaca :) :)
Before I sleep last night I prayed and thank God for giving me another year :) and what I ask from HIM is..
i only wish i'm not alone and i'm surrounded by those who love me..i think that's all that i want for my birthday..
I want to love and to be loved :)
Special Thanks to:
Affin Alkindi - for the surpize,,the very nice hazelnut cake,,the hug,, and the gift :)
Mamah - thanks for the camera :) :) hehehe..
Ombay - yg hari ini umroh dan mau doain aku dari sana :)
Reza Irawan - thaks for the call last night :) even this year is without your 'happy bday mbing' song..he3..really appreciate u called :)
Chanti - my dearest rumet yg menelvonku di pagi hari :) me miss u berry much!
and those who send me bday texts and wishes:)
Thanks for the love :) you are my reasons to live..
my apes day turned to be my luckiest day
soalnya tadi bener"dapet banyak hal yg klo ngga dicatet skrg ntar psti lupa..well for short hari ini the BEST OT ever..lembur paling bermakna..he3..td my manager abis kerjaan beres gitu share a lot of things yg for me siih..kaya tamparan keras byar gw tuh sadar..tadi dya kasih tau gimana c byar bs dapetin mimpi"kita dengan memaksimalkan apa yg kita punya..
di blog"sebelomnya gw pernah tulis ttg all of my dreams this and that..tapi setelah tadi gw baru sadar,,gw mimpiii doank..usahanya ngga ada!!gimana my super 5 years plan bs jd kenyataan kalo gw kaya gini terus..gw mulai kerja tanggal 14 Januari dan sekarang udh tanggal 3 juni..berarti udh hampir 5 bulan yaah..tapi kalo ditanya,,berapa tabungan yg saya punya?jawabannya MINUS! -_-
padahal punya 1 goal yg harus dicapai dalam waktu 2 tahun yg amat sangat penting untuk menunjang mimpi2 gw yg lain..tapi koq duit bs defisit gini!
mau jadi apa kalo gw kaya gini terus?i think udh saatnya for me to WAKE UP!
and I know that I CAN START to change my life from now :)
kayanya ada alasannya deh kenapa gajian bulan ini baru masuk tanggal 3 which is terribly late..
Tuhan lagi kasih blessing :) lagi mau ngingetin kalo gw punya banyak mimpi yg harus gw wujudkan (which is a LOT bigger than dresses, bags, or shoes) dan sampai saat ini gw belom ada effort to reach my dreams!
errm around next week I'll be 21 :) which means,,udh bener"harus mikir bwt masa depan..tadi sempet kepikir nyeseel deh 5 bulan ini bener"ngga dapet apa"..tapi skrg g nyesel lagi :) bulan kemaren udh bs kasih mamah half of my salary and it feels SUPER!:)seneeeeeeeng bgt..mskipun skrg bokek..dan mulai bulan ini..aku mau coba tips"yg baru gw dapet dr koko tadi :)
I think I must try to read more about investment, insurance, savings and all of these things this weekend..
padahal kemaren ngerasa jadi orang paling apes sedunia,,secara udh lagi bokek..tau"bank ada masalah jadi salary telat masuk..tapi bener"deh malam ini I feel so blessed :)
I thank GOD for letting me face this..I thank God for letting the bank delayed my salary,,I thank GOD for such letting me stay back at the office tonite so that I can listen to my manager's advice :)
TUHAN baik bgt c!!:) :) I LOVE YOU LORD!
special thanks to: my manager ko Christian,,yg malam ini udh bener"ngingetin aku..kalo 100k also starts with $1 :) if I can start now..I'm sure I can reach my dreams :)